Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What my kids talk me into watching on Netflix.

The things I do for my kids...
My two younger daughters and I are self proclaimed nerds. We do it all The Avengers, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Hobbit, Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, and the focus of this post Supernatural.

Have any of you watched it? I hadn't. I had maybe, kinda, sorta heard of it. It wasn't on my radar though. My niece binge watched the all nine seasons that are on Netflix and kept telling my middle daughter, Liz (13), "YOU HAVE TO WATCH SUPERNATURAL! They are BAE!" So Liz started hounding me to let her watch it.

I don't think that Mike and I are super restrictive, but we want to know what the girls are up to and they know it, and I appreciate that.  So we made a deal to watch it together. We don't do scary movies at our house and the first season was a little creepy.

The show is on the CW about two brothers, Sam & Dean Winchester hunting the demon that killed their mom when they were kids and along the way they have bizarre adventures. You name it and the show has probably covered it, urban legends, vampires, angels, demons, purgatory, leviathans and they manage to be a bit sassy and poke fun at themselves along the way.

Clare then 11,  got scared JUST into season two and quit watching and Liz and I continued. At first I did it as a bonding thing but it has snuck in a bit and I have found myself saying "Hey Liz, are you up for Moose and Squirrel?" These are pop culture references that she taunts me with as she has become obsessed with the fellas on the show. They are a bit of eye candy for sure. Clare has since decided to try it again, but only in the daylight. So Clare and I are on season 2 episode 10 while Liz and I are on season 7 episode 2. My husband just laughs at me. Oh well, my kids love me and I get to snuggle with them and feel relevant. lol I am including a few pictures just so you understand.

links for pictures


  1. I can completely relate to you when it comes to binge watching shows.. I love to watch hours and hours of American Horror Story as well The Following. My roommates and always have premier parties ( I know it sounds corny). But I've heard of Supernatural and may have glimpsed at it a time or two. Thanks for the tip I will have to give a full watch.

  2. I love premiere parties! I have attended some TrueBlood and Game of Thrones parties in the past. My kids several years ago would have Harry Potter movie marathon parties with friends with theme food, the whole nine yards. Guilty pleasures, Thanks Jordan

  3. I love this! It sounds like so much fun to have special time with your girls, and it doesn't seem like such a hardship to have to watch episodes of those hunky guys twice!
