Sunday, June 14, 2015

Father's Day is coming up, don't blow it off.

STOP! Do not buy another lame tie for Father's Day. Do not wait until Saturday or next Sunday either. 

So what should you do for Dear ol' First National Bank of Dad? 

  1. Recreate a photo from your childhood
  2. Buy him a gift card to Herman's Beef & Sausage House in North Topeka for a steak (Yummm)
  3. Offer to provide & make dinner
  4. Have a movie night with his favorite flick
  5. Buy a big glass jar at Hobby Lobby and then go to the Dollar Store and fill it with candy. Put a note towards the bottom that when notified you will fill it again for the res of the year.
  6. Buy a bunch of small, different flavor ice creams and sit around figuring out which is the best.
This works for dear ol dad, grandpa, husband, step-anybody, the neighbor next door when has always been there for, whoever. Just cherish the time.

 Our last Thanksgiving 2011, my sister Kate, our Dad, me


  1. I am so glad I just saw this because I totally forgot about Father's Day! My mom and I usually get all the men running shoes, because who does not need those? But I think they would enjoy us cooking dinner for them, for the men always cook dinner in our family. So that is a great idea to cook for them!

  2. All of your ideas are very thoughtful and unique, which make for the best gifts. Anyone of these would put a smile on dear O' Dad's face.

  3. These are so much better than your typical suggestions like ties, golf clubs, or cigars! My dad certainly wouldn't need any of those! I got my dad some Washburn gear to replace some of his old KU stuff.
